среда, 15 апреля 2009 г.
Feel good about work
We trade work for money, and in essence we trade our time for money. This is why they call it going to work. However, what happens when you decide that you are fitfully underwhelmed with your work and you need a valiant change of pace? Some people are simply ready to cash in their chips and come home, spend their days raising the kids instead of going to work while others just want something more fulfilling. When you trade your time for work shouldn’t you at least feel good about some aspect of your work?Older generations would say that we don’t need to feel good about our work. We just need to pay the bills and be done with it. Work isn’t about feeling good about yourself. But as the younger generations have tried on those shoes it might seem like there might be another way, like enjoying the work that you do. You shouldn’t have to trade away two thirds of your life for something that makes you miserable. If it is making you miserable, why wouldn’t you be looking for work that might make you happy? After all, there is nothing quite like coming home from a day at work feeling uplifted rather than downtrodden. In today’s world work and misery are no longer compatible. Thus, the unhappy ones should be putting their best foot forward and looking for work that is rewarding, enjoyable, and at the very least, financially rewarding. That’s the new work exchange rate.