воскресенье, 10 января 2010 г.
Friends at work
There are no friends at work, you know, in case you think you have friends there and in case you think your colleagues are people you can trust personally – you are the one who still believes in miracle you know, there are no friends at work there are only people you work together with. They are co-workers of yours and no more no less. They may be sweet and they can smile to you and you can make jokes about each other and so on and so forth, but they are not your friends and they know it for sure and you should know it for sure. You are not friends and you will never be friends because you have something material in common. And that something material turns people into competitors at once and they will forget about all those pleasant talks and smiles and the whole “friendship” stuff. They will forget it and they will to whatever it takes in order to be the first one to reach the goal. So, never take those people as friends of yours and never think they will sacrifice something for your sake, they want, and you also shouldn’t.